Setting up Individual Locations

LetmePro Pickup Delivery Date enables the configuration of delivery dates for individual locations.


Last Update một năm trước

On the left navigation panel, within the LetmePro app's Pickup Delivery Date section, you can find the Location menu.

On the Location page, we showcase a comprehensive list of all available locations on your Shopify store. You have the option to add or remove a location on this page, just like with Shopify defaults.

Setting up Individual Locations

Our module allows you to customize the business for each location.

When you open a location, you will see the form below:

Location details display the address of the location and allow you to change it by clicking on the 'Edit Address' link.

General Settings enable you to override the default general settings. You can specify individual Lead Time and Cut-off Time for this location by unchecking 'Use General Settings' and providing the information in the form below:

Local Pickup Settings are similar to the General Settings; this section allows you to customize the default local pickup settings.

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